Monday, March 3, 2014

#28 Bucket List

1. Visit Paris, Italy - I would enjoy seeing their culture and architecture.
2. Own real estate property - Id feel a large sense of accomplishment knowing I did something relatively big with my life and that I manipulated money well enough to have it work for me.
3. Have a famous music artist use one of my instrumentals - I enjoy creating music and I think a goal like this would not just be a big accomplishment but it would be interesting to see someone use my art and create something more with it.
4. Stargaze in a grassy plain - I enjoy looking up at the stars, looking at all that open space and the light in the seemingly never ending distance and wondering what life is.
5. Visit a forrest in Alaska - I think it would be a sight to see out in the wilderness surrounded by trees and snow, to really be alone and away from all the commotion of the city; to look out and see never ending trees and be completely surrounded by nature, to experience what I believe is true freedom.

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